I played Inside Enemy Lines 2657-2661 with the 89th Company. Result was -4 victory points so a major defeat for the infantry!
I had a tough time playing this campaign. I used Space Infantry with the New Worlds Module. The 89th Company do not use heavy weapons and seem to have been designed for fast, stealthy infiltration of a hive. I tried this tactic but it did not work and I was repeatedly caught and then involved in deadly open combat with various nasty aliens. Opposition is lethal in the game and I think it best to stick to the 65th Company because the flamer unit and plasma grenades they are equipped with even the odds up a bit for the infantry...and it's also fun burning aliens!
I had a tough time playing this campaign. I used Space Infantry with the New Worlds Module. The 89th Company do not use heavy weapons and seem to have been designed for fast, stealthy infiltration of a hive. I tried this tactic but it did not work and I was repeatedly caught and then involved in deadly open combat with various nasty aliens. Opposition is lethal in the game and I think it best to stick to the 65th Company because the flamer unit and plasma grenades they are equipped with even the odds up a bit for the infantry...and it's also fun burning aliens!