Some substantial British reinforcements for the front! These 4 trays complete my set of 6 Ranger! British line companies. Grenadiers in Ranger! fight as line unless they have scenario specific rules.
By order-of-march, the models depict the 1st Foot or 60th Foot (Blue) leading, followed by the 43rd Foot or 47th Foot (White), then the 44th Foot or 46th Foot (Yellow) and bringing up the rear the 22nd Foot, 27th Foot or 40th Foot (Buff).
By order-of-march, the models depict the 1st Foot or 60th Foot (Blue) leading, followed by the 43rd Foot or 47th Foot (White), then the 44th Foot or 46th Foot (Yellow) and bringing up the rear the 22nd Foot, 27th Foot or 40th Foot (Buff).