Presented below is a resolution of a game of White Tribe in narrative form. My appreciation goes to the various artists whose excellent paintings I have used to embellish this article.

The Rhodesia Herald: A large villa in Salisbury. A cock crows! Time for breakfast and read of the local newspaper. Wow! over 50,000 Vietnam veterans added to our population! A bunch of guys with military training, nice! Okay, off to work now.
The Assembly Building: Good morning all, today we are going to pass the Land Tenure Act.....right?
The Frontline: First clash with enemy communist terrorists reported. Search and destroy operation in Mashonaland destroys a ZANU unit. So body count of 100 enemy dead this year.
The Rhodesia Herald: A large villa in Salisbury. A cock crows! Time for breakfast and read of the local newspaper. Wow! over 50,000 Vietnam veterans added to our population! A bunch of guys with military training, nice! Okay, off to work now.
The Assembly Building: Good morning all, today we are going to pass the Land Tenure Act.....right?
The Frontline: First clash with enemy communist terrorists reported. Search and destroy operation in Mashonaland destroys a ZANU unit. So body count of 100 enemy dead this year.

Herald: End of British rule in Botswana so more infiltration routes from our western border.
Assembly: Pearce Commission passed resulting in violent Black defiance!
Frontline: Infiltration from Botswana, as expected.
Terror: 2
Body count: 200
Herald: End of British rule in Botswana so more infiltration routes from our western border.
Assembly: Pearce Commission passed resulting in violent Black defiance!
Frontline: Infiltration from Botswana, as expected.
Terror: 2
Body count: 200

Assembly: Law and Order passed. Three protected villages assembled in Mashonaland, Manicaland and Victoria. UN Sanctions!
Frontline: Skirmishing in Mozambique.
Terror: 1
Body Count: 100
Prediction: 16 (present victory points assuming the 1D6 result is a ‘1’)
Assembly: Law and Order passed. Three protected villages assembled in Mashonaland, Manicaland and Victoria. UN Sanctions!
Frontline: Skirmishing in Mozambique.
Terror: 1
Body Count: 100
Prediction: 16 (present victory points assuming the 1D6 result is a ‘1’)

Assembly: Exercise Alcora. South African and Portuguese units deploy in Rhodesia/Mozambique.
Frontline: Skirmishing in Mozambique.
Terror: 1
Body Count: 100
Prediction: 17
Assembly: Exercise Alcora. South African and Portuguese units deploy in Rhodesia/Mozambique.
Frontline: Skirmishing in Mozambique.
Terror: 1
Body Count: 100
Prediction: 17

Herald: $4 gift from supporters abroad. Communist subversion in bush war.
Politics: Verligte gain power in South Africa!
Assembly: Corsan now under construction in Mashonaland, Manicaland and Victoria.
Frontline: Labour, Democrats and Verligte in power so no problem with outrages. Selous Scouts and RAR in action in Tete.
Terror: 3
Body Count: 300
Prediction: 15
Herald: $4 gift from supporters abroad. Communist subversion in bush war.
Politics: Verligte gain power in South Africa!
Assembly: Corsan now under construction in Mashonaland, Manicaland and Victoria.
Frontline: Labour, Democrats and Verligte in power so no problem with outrages. Selous Scouts and RAR in action in Tete.
Terror: 3
Body Count: 300
Prediction: 15

Map: Start of year, Rhodesia prepared for the storm.
Herald : Communist subversion in bush war.
Politics: Tories win elections in UK.
Commercial: Muzorewa and Chitepo collaborate.
Frontline: Grey's Scouts support Portuguese allies in Mozambique.
Terror: 3
Body Count: 200
Prediction: 18
Map: Start of year, Rhodesia prepared for the storm.
Herald : Communist subversion in bush war.
Politics: Tories win elections in UK.
Commercial: Muzorewa and Chitepo collaborate.
Frontline: Grey's Scouts support Portuguese allies in Mozambique.
Terror: 3
Body Count: 200
Prediction: 18

Black schoolchildren kidnapped by Nkomo supporters.
Selous Scouts operations in Botswana. In Tete, Flechas with RLI support and Grey's Scouts Fireforce raid, drive back substantial ZANU force.
Terror: 4
Body Count: 300
Prediction: 19 (new elections)
Black schoolchildren kidnapped by Nkomo supporters.
Selous Scouts operations in Botswana. In Tete, Flechas with RLI support and Grey's Scouts Fireforce raid, drive back substantial ZANU force.
Terror: 4
Body Count: 300
Prediction: 19 (new elections)

Map: Rhodesian forces target terrorist bases in all front line countries.
Herald: Sino-Soviet split. International outrage over multiple cross-border raids!
Politics: Squeeze Zambia (Kaunda).
Terror: 4
Body Count: 600
Prediction: 18
Map: Rhodesian forces target terrorist bases in all front line countries.
Herald: Sino-Soviet split. International outrage over multiple cross-border raids!
Politics: Squeeze Zambia (Kaunda).
Terror: 4
Body Count: 600
Prediction: 18

Herald: Fico movement seizes power in Mozambique but are immediately overthrown by Mugabe supporters. Tete and Mozambique now under ZANU control. Mozambican National Resistance founded. Communist subversion in bush war.
Assembly: Detente passed. Mugabe, Sithole and Nkomo released from Wha Wha prison. RF extremely unpopular!
Frontline: Nkomo organizes failed ZAPU offensive (4 units).
Terror: 6
Body Count: 400
Prediction: 7 (storm clouds rumbling)
Herald: Fico movement seizes power in Mozambique but are immediately overthrown by Mugabe supporters. Tete and Mozambique now under ZANU control. Mozambican National Resistance founded. Communist subversion in bush war.
Assembly: Detente passed. Mugabe, Sithole and Nkomo released from Wha Wha prison. RF extremely unpopular!
Frontline: Nkomo organizes failed ZAPU offensive (4 units).
Terror: 6
Body Count: 400
Prediction: 7 (storm clouds rumbling)

Herald: Communist subversion in bush war. The Commies are going to be the death of us all!
Assembly: Republic proclaimed! The Republic of Rhodesia flag now flutters proudly atop the Assembly building in Salisbury.
Successful ZANU Tete offensive (5 units). Corsan destroyed and even though in protected villages, black support in Mashonaland for government ceases (fist).
Terror: 7
Body Count: 700
Prediction: 10
Herald: Communist subversion in bush war. The Commies are going to be the death of us all!
Assembly: Republic proclaimed! The Republic of Rhodesia flag now flutters proudly atop the Assembly building in Salisbury.
Successful ZANU Tete offensive (5 units). Corsan destroyed and even though in protected villages, black support in Mashonaland for government ceases (fist).
Terror: 7
Body Count: 700
Prediction: 10

Herald: What headlines! Soldiers of Fortune (population +3), Factions feud in Zambia (body count +1), Sino-Soviet split (terror -1) and Floods in Mozambique (terror -1), all excellent news!
Commercial: Sanction busting +$6!
Assembly: Pfumo re Vanhu created by black politicians.
Frontline: Selous Scouts defeated in Botswana. RAR Fireforce raid on same terrorist base also fails! RAF planes shot down during operations. Not exactly the ideal time to suffer a military disaster!
Terror: 4
Body Count: 500
Prediction: 14
Herald: What headlines! Soldiers of Fortune (population +3), Factions feud in Zambia (body count +1), Sino-Soviet split (terror -1) and Floods in Mozambique (terror -1), all excellent news!
Commercial: Sanction busting +$6!
Assembly: Pfumo re Vanhu created by black politicians.
Frontline: Selous Scouts defeated in Botswana. RAR Fireforce raid on same terrorist base also fails! RAF planes shot down during operations. Not exactly the ideal time to suffer a military disaster!
Terror: 4
Body Count: 500
Prediction: 14

Herald: Chitepo instigates the targeting of white farmers. Communist subversion in bush war. Tan-Zam railway built with Chinese funding. Commies again!
Commercial: $4 public spending gives RF popularity big boost (+5).
Assembly: Quenet Commission policy passes. Deadline to Majority Rule!
Frontline: ZANU offensive (4 units) from Tete. Simultaneous ZAPU offensive (4 units) from Botswana. Both defeated but at heavy cost with 7 units now in force pool. Miraculously, no terrorists now in Rhodesia.
Terror: 6
Body Count: 300
Prediction: 10
Herald: Chitepo instigates the targeting of white farmers. Communist subversion in bush war. Tan-Zam railway built with Chinese funding. Commies again!
Commercial: $4 public spending gives RF popularity big boost (+5).
Assembly: Quenet Commission policy passes. Deadline to Majority Rule!
Frontline: ZANU offensive (4 units) from Tete. Simultaneous ZAPU offensive (4 units) from Botswana. Both defeated but at heavy cost with 7 units now in force pool. Miraculously, no terrorists now in Rhodesia.
Terror: 6
Body Count: 300
Prediction: 10

Herald: ZANU Factionalism. Two of Mugabe's units destroy each other, nice! Both Pfumo re Vanhu units go on rampages!
Frontline: Successful ZANU offensive (5 units) into Victoria. Simultaneous ZAPU offensive (4 units) into Matabeleland fails. Rhodesian Troops fight like demons! Successful RAR Fireforce raid into Mashonaland. No terrorists in Rhodesia by end of year!
Cosmopolitics: Black support in Victoria for government ceases (fist). Majority rule conceded...sigh! Bi-racial state of Zimbabwe Rhodesia set up.
Terror: 7
Body Count: 1,000
Prediction: 15
Herald: ZANU Factionalism. Two of Mugabe's units destroy each other, nice! Both Pfumo re Vanhu units go on rampages!
Frontline: Successful ZANU offensive (5 units) into Victoria. Simultaneous ZAPU offensive (4 units) into Matabeleland fails. Rhodesian Troops fight like demons! Successful RAR Fireforce raid into Mashonaland. No terrorists in Rhodesia by end of year!
Cosmopolitics: Black support in Victoria for government ceases (fist). Majority rule conceded...sigh! Bi-racial state of Zimbabwe Rhodesia set up.
Terror: 7
Body Count: 1,000
Prediction: 15

Maps: Situation at end of hostilities.
Herald: Lancaster House peace conference held in London.
Maps: Situation at end of hostilities.
Herald: Lancaster House peace conference held in London.

Game End Scoring:
+3 handshakes
+2 RF popularity
-2 population falling
+1 Kaunda
+1 Reagan
+5 ZR election result
+3 liberal constitution passed
+1 Muzorewa collaborating
+6 Luck
Evaluation: Total is +20 so I suffer a substantial defeat due to a large ZANU election victory.
+3 handshakes
+2 RF popularity
-2 population falling
+1 Kaunda
+1 Reagan
+5 ZR election result
+3 liberal constitution passed
+1 Muzorewa collaborating
+6 Luck
Evaluation: Total is +20 so I suffer a substantial defeat due to a large ZANU election victory.

Sigh, if population was rising I would have won! With a large victory, Mugabe dictatorship is inevitable. Ok, time to leave. Small helicopter takes off from New Sarum, heading for South Africa. A red sun sets on scenes of war below, pillars of smoke rising from villages, columns of refugees and trucks with jubilant Mugabe supporters firing AK-47 into the air unwittingly heralding the dawn of an age of hell.
Sigh, if population was rising I would have won! With a large victory, Mugabe dictatorship is inevitable. Ok, time to leave. Small helicopter takes off from New Sarum, heading for South Africa. A red sun sets on scenes of war below, pillars of smoke rising from villages, columns of refugees and trucks with jubilant Mugabe supporters firing AK-47 into the air unwittingly heralding the dawn of an age of hell.

Conclusion: I hope this article has highlighted the myriad of political, social and military situations which the gamer has to face, and solve, in this excellent solitaire board game.