During the Cold War a ruthless conflict was waged on the Angolan border between the South African Defence Force and communist insurgents. Border War is a solitaire game by Decision Games that puts you in the middle of the fighting as commander of a South African battlegroup based on the frontier.
Throughout the Cold War hi-tech mechanized armies faced each other across frontiers. I really like this game because it recreates a war in which this high-tech military technology was actually used by both sides in real battles!
During the Cold War a ruthless conflict was waged on the Angolan border between the South African Defence Force and communist insurgents. Border War is a solitaire game by Decision Games that puts you in the middle of the fighting as commander of a South African battlegroup based on the frontier.
Throughout the Cold War hi-tech mechanized armies faced each other across frontiers. I really like this game because it recreates a war in which this high-tech military technology was actually used by both sides in real battles!
Quick Play Card
I designed a Quick Play Card and a set of Reminder Markers to help a player easily play through an operation.
I designed a Quick Play Card and a set of Reminder Markers to help a player easily play through an operation.

BW Quick Play Card |

BW Reminder Markers |
SADF: South African Defence Force
PSYOP: Psychological operations
SF-K: Special Forces 'K' battalion
MECH: Mechanized Infantry
G-5 Arty: Long range artillery
OPFOR: Opposing forces
FAPLA: Angolan People’s Liberation Armed Forces
SWAPO: Southwest Africa People’s Organization
SADF: South African Defence Force
PSYOP: Psychological operations
SF-K: Special Forces 'K' battalion
MECH: Mechanized Infantry
G-5 Arty: Long range artillery
OPFOR: Opposing forces
FAPLA: Angolan People’s Liberation Armed Forces
SWAPO: Southwest Africa People’s Organization

Campaign Mission 4 - Operation Askari
A Border War campaign consists of four or more missions. Following is a battle report of the final mission of a campaign I played. I hope this report gives you a feel of the game.
To Benguela
Cuito Cuanavale
All battalions and squadrons recruited
24 unexpended Recruit Points available
Main Base at Cunene Hydroelectric
All brigades mobilized
3 extra OPFOR units per battle
A Border War campaign consists of four or more missions. Following is a battle report of the final mission of a campaign I played. I hope this report gives you a feel of the game.
To Benguela
Cuito Cuanavale
All battalions and squadrons recruited
24 unexpended Recruit Points available
Main Base at Cunene Hydroelectric
All brigades mobilized
3 extra OPFOR units per battle
Operation 1
Leader 1, SF-K, Mech 1, Mech 2, Mech 3, Armour and Sapper 1 from Cunene Hydroelectric ground move to boonies NW of Xangango.
Event: OPFOR! (BW09)
Leader 1, SF-K, Mech 1, Mech 2, Mech 3, Armour and Sapper 1 from Cunene Hydroelectric ground move to boonies NW of Xangango.
Event: OPFOR! (BW09)

Battle 1
OPFOR: Cuban Armour, Cuban Mechanized, FAPLA Motorized and SWAPO Infantry
Battle Result: All OPFOR eliminated, no SADF losses
OPFOR: Cuban Armour, Cuban Mechanized, FAPLA Motorized and SWAPO Infantry
Battle Result: All OPFOR eliminated, no SADF losses
Operation 2
Leader 1, SF-K, Mech 1, Mech 2, Mech 3, Armour and Sapper 1 in boonies NW of Xangango, ground move, circumnavigate Xangango (Sappers) and enter Peu Peu.
Event: Intel! (BW14).
Operation 3
Leader 1, SF-K, Mech 1, Mech 2, Armour and Sapper 1 from Peu Peu (Mech 3 left in Peu Peu), ground move to boonies N of Cassinga.
Event: Communist Offensive! (BW04) then Fight for Intel! (BW13) with SF PSYOP.
Leader 1, SF-K, Mech 1, Mech 2, Mech 3, Armour and Sapper 1 in boonies NW of Xangango, ground move, circumnavigate Xangango (Sappers) and enter Peu Peu.
Event: Intel! (BW14).
Operation 3
Leader 1, SF-K, Mech 1, Mech 2, Armour and Sapper 1 from Peu Peu (Mech 3 left in Peu Peu), ground move to boonies N of Cassinga.
Event: Communist Offensive! (BW04) then Fight for Intel! (BW13) with SF PSYOP.

Battle 2
OPFOR: All brigades
Helicopter Reaction Force: Para 1 from Cunene Hydroelectric
Battle Result: All OPFOR eliminated, Mech 1 and Sapper eliminated
Soviet Adviser Intel: Mines at Cassinga!
Operation 4
1 Helo and 1 Airstrike turnaround.
Operation 5
SF-RC, Armoured Car 1, Mech 4, Sapper 2 and G-5 Arty in Cunene Hydroelectric, airfield move to Peu Peu.
Event: OPFOR Infiltration! (BW05)Unita! (BW10) then Unita! with SF PSYOP.
Unita Intel: Objective Moscow at Caconda!
Operation 6
Force 1: SF-RC, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 from Peu Peu (G-5 Arty left at Peu Peu), ground move to boonies S of Lubango.
Force 2: Leader 1 in boonies N of Cassinga, airmobile transport tTo boonies S of Lubango.
Event: OPFOR Hidden Base! (BW06) then OPFOR! (BW07) with SF PSYOP
1 Helo and 1 Airstrike turnaround.
Operation 5
SF-RC, Armoured Car 1, Mech 4, Sapper 2 and G-5 Arty in Cunene Hydroelectric, airfield move to Peu Peu.
Event: OPFOR Infiltration! (BW05)Unita! (BW10) then Unita! with SF PSYOP.
Unita Intel: Objective Moscow at Caconda!
Operation 6
Force 1: SF-RC, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 from Peu Peu (G-5 Arty left at Peu Peu), ground move to boonies S of Lubango.
Force 2: Leader 1 in boonies N of Cassinga, airmobile transport tTo boonies S of Lubango.
Event: OPFOR Hidden Base! (BW06) then OPFOR! (BW07) with SF PSYOP

Battle 3
OPFOR: FAPLA Motorized, SWAPO Motorized, SWAPO Infantry, SWAPO Infantry and FAPLA Air Defence
Helicopter Reaction Force: SF-SWASU from Cunene Hydroelectric
Battle Result: All OPFOR eliminated, no SADF losses
Operation 7
1 Helo turnaround.
Operation 8
Leader 2 from Cunene Hydroelectric, airmobile transport to boonies N of Cassinga.
Event: Track for Intel! (BW12) success with SF-RC
Operation 9
Use Intel! (BW14): Objective Smokeshell at Mocamedes! and objective Vietnam at To Benguela!
Leader 1, SF-RC, SF-SWASU, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 in boonies S of Lubango ground move, circumnavigate Lubango (Sappers) and enter boonies north of Lubango.
Event: OPFOR! (BW08) then CIA Covert Aid! (BW03) with SF PSYOP!
Operation 10
Leader 1, SF-RC, SF-SWASU, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 in boonies N of Lubango, ground move to Mocamedes.
Event: Morale Check! (BW01), morale high!
Operation 11
Objective Smokeshell from Mocamedes, airmobile transport to Cunene Hydroelectric.
Objective Smokeshell captured!
Operation 12
Leader 1, SF-RC, SF-SWASU, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 in Mocamedes, ground move to To Benguela.
Event: Political Crisis! (BW02) UN Emergency Session!
1 Helo turnaround.
Operation 8
Leader 2 from Cunene Hydroelectric, airmobile transport to boonies N of Cassinga.
Event: Track for Intel! (BW12) success with SF-RC
Operation 9
Use Intel! (BW14): Objective Smokeshell at Mocamedes! and objective Vietnam at To Benguela!
Leader 1, SF-RC, SF-SWASU, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 in boonies S of Lubango ground move, circumnavigate Lubango (Sappers) and enter boonies north of Lubango.
Event: OPFOR! (BW08) then CIA Covert Aid! (BW03) with SF PSYOP!
Operation 10
Leader 1, SF-RC, SF-SWASU, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 in boonies N of Lubango, ground move to Mocamedes.
Event: Morale Check! (BW01), morale high!
Operation 11
Objective Smokeshell from Mocamedes, airmobile transport to Cunene Hydroelectric.
Objective Smokeshell captured!
Operation 12
Leader 1, SF-RC, SF-SWASU, Armoured Car 1, Mech 3, Mech 4 and Sapper 2 in Mocamedes, ground move to To Benguela.
Event: Political Crisis! (BW02) UN Emergency Session!

Operation 13
Objective Vietnam from To Benguela, airmobile transport to Cunene Hydroelectric.
Objective Vietnam captured!
Mission Debriefing
2 objectives captured and 14 KIA so mission successful!