Led by their respective officers, two French grenadier companies wind their way through some rough ground.
These are the first two French & Indian Wars companies I’ve painted which are part of my Ranger! French army of circa 1757. The whole force consists of: two grenadier companies, three line companies, three marine companies, two Indian warbands, three artillery pieces complete with limbers and one supply wagon. The La Sarre grenadier company is to the left and the Languedoc (or Royal Roussillon) grenadier company is to the right.
These are the first two French & Indian Wars companies I’ve painted which are part of my Ranger! French army of circa 1757. The whole force consists of: two grenadier companies, three line companies, three marine companies, two Indian warbands, three artillery pieces complete with limbers and one supply wagon. The La Sarre grenadier company is to the left and the Languedoc (or Royal Roussillon) grenadier company is to the right.